"; } else { $dir = $dir_dn_dir; $img = ""; } $state = $city_list[$i][0]; $state_name = getStateName($state); $ra = getExits($iname,$state,$d); $size = count($ra); $title = "$iname $state Exits Interstate $NUM $state_name Exits $dir- $domain"; $content = "$iname $state_name Exits Interstate $NUM $state_name Exits with guides on hotels/motels, restaurants, cheap gas, maps, directions and points of interest, $iname $state Exits, Interstate $NUM $state Exits, I$NUM $state Exits, I $NUM $state Exits, I$NUM $state_name Exits, I $NUM $state_name Exits, I $NUM $state_name, I$NUM $state_name, $iname $state_name, I $NUM $state, I$NUM $state, $iname $state"; $keys = $title; $page_title = $title; $top_text = "  $iname $state_name exits Interstate $NUM $state_name exits I$NUM $state_name exits I $NUM $state_name exits $iname $state exits Interstate $NUM $state exits I$NUM $state exits I $NUM $state exits $iname exits "; $top_text = strtolower(substr($top_text,0,175)); ?> <? echo $title;?>

Exit " . $ra[$j][2] . "" . ", " . $services[0];?>
Traffic, Map, Cheap Gas, Gas Stations, Restaurants, Hotels & Motels, "; echo ""; /* for($k=1;$k 1) echo $services[count($services)-1] . ", Points of Interest"; else */ echo "Points of Interest"; echo ""; ?>